As regards Globalnet - they have two types of server - Windows NT and Unix. Most people are by default on the Unix system, as Globalnet say they have had some problems with Win NT security issues. In fact they are not currently supporting Win NT server hosting as a product, but say this MAY change in the future - possibly with FrontPage 98. They do not offer a standard/free "guest book" utility (as they do for a hit counter and formmail utility) for either type of server. 1) If you ARE on the Unix system you will probably therefore have to write your own, in Perl (which Global Internet supports), putting the finished script in your cgi-bin directory. I have had a look on the Web for free Unix scripts etc., without much luck - the best I could find was at Even this is now defunct, and not accepting new accounts (for free) (as of December 1997). However, I believe there is a Perl listing there which may at least give you a starting point. 2) If you DO have an NT incarnation of your Globalnet account, then should sort you out... I am afraid that's probably all the help I can give on this at the moment. As regards a link to our site from yours (if I read your email right) - please feel free - in fact, thank you! (though to be honest, I'm not _sure_ we'd want to reciprocate (mainly for simplicity of design reasons) (and you get enough hits, anyway! :))